The Benefice and Parish of the South Chilterns
Upcoming Sunday Services in the South Chilterns Team Ministry are published on its website
Dear All,
The Church will **not be open to the public for the duration of the project **and there will be a corrugated 4-metre-high wall around the Nave and a corrugated roof put in place. The side gate will be used for unloading/loading materials and the timber blocks removed. Construction vehicles will be parked by the Lych Gate. Working will be between 7.30am and 4.30pm. Weekend working is not expected.
The usual Sunday 11am services will continue each week in the Village Hall. For special services (Carol Services and Christmas Day) the Nave may be opened.
The Monthly “Coffee and Chat” morning will be held in the** Village Hall** as will the next Social History Event (16th November) and the Ukelele Concert (6th December).
Church Services
Sunday 5th January 11.00a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Philip Smith
Sunday 12th January 11.00a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Lucy Austin
Sunday 19th January 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Peter Viney
Sunday 26th January 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Mark Ackford