news Aug 30, 2024

The Church of St. Mary Le Moor – September Services        ​    

Sunday 1st September     11.00 a.m.​Holy CommunionRev. Philip Smith

Sunday 8th September    11.00 a.m.​Holy Communion – Patronal FestivalRev. Lucy Austin

Sunday 15th September   11.00 a.m.​Holy Communion incl. baptism of Finley Thomas​Rev. Peter Viney​​

Sunday 22nd t September 11.00 a.m. ​Holy Communion led by ​Rev. Mark Ackford preaching by​  Licenced Lay Minister Judy Taylor

Sunday 29th September   10.30 a.m.​Rural Sunday

Sunday 6th October ​​Harvest Festival Services​ 11.00 a.m.​ with Communion with organist​ Rev. Mark Ackford followed by lunch in the hall (cottage pie** & veg + crumble** (£10).​for tickets and/or volunteer cooks* please contact

6.00 p.m.​Evensong ​​ Rev. Mark Ackford

Sunday 10th November ​10.45 a.m.​Remembrance Sunday Service ​ followed by refreshments

Church Events

The Nave Roof Project - a big step forward – a contract for the re-tiling of the Nave Roof has been signed with the planned start date of 7th October 2024 and completion date 21st February 2025.  The work is being carried out by Ward and Co who successfully completed the chancel roof contract.  An explanatory note to village residents covering the plans for the delivery/storage of materials and an outline of the work will be sent in September.  It is expected that church services will continue as normal, probably in the Chancel.

Future Church events

Tues 3rd September 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. - Coffee and Chat and Bring-and-Buy in the Church.

Friday 6th September Church Concert - After talking it over with Nora Hayes, we have decided to cancel the concert. Sadly, not enough tickets have been sold for it and it would run at a considerable loss. The intention and aims being that funds our raised for the Nave Roof project as all the our previous concerts have done in 2022/23.

Sat 14th September Sponsored Ride and Stride for Bucks Historic Churches Trust. We have been awarded a grant of £9,000 from this charity for the Nave Roof.  Cadmore End Church will be open from 10.00 a.m. to 2 p.m. for refreshments (incl. homemade cake which continues to attract cyclists from Marlow).  Do pop in to sponsor/encourage our “church greeters”. For sponsor forms and details of participating local churches of see

Other activities

Bryan Edgley’s Funeral was held on the 12th August at Holy Trinity Church, Lane End and was attended by about 450 people.  It was also a memorial service for Alison Edgley whose ashes were buried with him.  The family gave moving tributes, granddaughter Izzy Edgley sang Que Sera Sera and the Reverend Mark Ackford gave a reflection highlighting Bryan’s support and leadership to the local communities in Lane End and Cadmore End. The drinks and refreshments in the Village Hall after the service were much appreciated.  There are tributes to him in the Autumn Clarion which has just been distributed reflecting the respect we all had for him.

Annual McMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning at Picket House on Friday 4th October 10.30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End – our next monthly delivery is on Thursday 19th July. Please leave donations in the church or church porch on the Wednesday before or by 10 a.m. on the Thursday.  The latest message from Barbara Ewing and Lucy Smith (Community Matters organisers): “Thank you for the heap of beautiful and useful Community Matters donations. Lucy Smith and I counted up the number of Lane Enders who are in receipt of our foodbank donations and it amounted to 80 people!  So you can easily understand these items are so much needed, especially during school holidays. Once more you gave us several bags of tins, squash, pasta, toiletries, fresh bread, butter, cooked meats for sandwiches and fruit...and much more. We were also able this month to give some money towards school uniforms. Most of our families get free items from various sources but a big problem for all of them is we were able to help them with these purchases.  Thank you again for all your gifts to our foodbank”.

Tanya Sims

Church Warden

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