news Oct 30, 2024


The Church of St. Mary Le Moor – November Services & Events            

Sunday 3rd November (All Souls) 11.00a.m.​-Holy Communion​- Rev. Philip Smith

Sunday 10th November 10.45 a.m.​-Remembrance Sunday Service -*Rev. Lucy Austin

Sunday 17th November 11.00 a.m. ​-Holy Communion-Rev. Peter Viney

Sunday 24th November 11.00 a.m.​-Holy Communion -  Rev. Mark Ackford

*We will join the rest of the nation with a minute’s silence at 11am. The service will be followed by refreshments.

Church Events

The Nave Roof Project - the church continues to fundraise for the shortfall of additional £20,000.   Erection of the scaffolding is scheduled to be completed in early November.  Expect construction vehicles to be parked by the Lych Gate during working hours 07.30 – 16.30h (weekend working not expected) until February 2025.

Tuesday 5th November 10.30am to noon​Coffee & Chat

Saturday 16th November 1.00 p.m. to 4 p.m.​Cadmore End Social History at Cadmore End Hall (includes refreshments).  The Speakers will be:

Mr. Andrew McTavish - Mrs James and beginnings of the ‘baby welfare groups’;

Mr Richard Bates - local families and the history of Cadmore Post Offices (Ayer’s and Trendall’s)

Mrs Nora Hayes - the old magazines.

Friday 6th December 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. - Concert by The Marlow Ukele Group  at Cadmore End Hall.   There will be a donations bar for wine & soft drinks both before and during the interval (in aid of the Nave Roof and Hall funds) as well as a raffle.

Tickets at £15  (including a drink and nibbles) are available via BACS : Cadmore End PCC (or St Mary le Moor; Church  - Sort code: 30-94-28; Account no. 01432358 or through Tanya Sims

Other activities - Commons grass cutting – the second and final cut of the year was completed on 10th October by Lane End Parish Council’s contractors.

The Annual MacMillan Support Coffee Morning held at Picket House on Friday 4th October raised £510.80 thanks to the generosity of those who participated.

Cricket Field – The Church’s land agent has arranged with the cricket club treasurer to see a copy of the contract between the club and the ground works company, who are removing the soil, to ensure that muck away removal is included.  The club representative also expressed the club’s keenness that the matter is sorted out before Christmas.Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End – our next monthly delivery is on Thursday 14thNovember.  Please leave donations under the porch by the front door at Picket House, Cadmore End on Wednesday 13thor by 10 a.m. on Thursday 14th.  Last month was a ‘bumper’ month for Cadmore End’s contributions which were particularly well received by Barbara Ewing and Lucy Smith (Community Matters organisers).  Items particularly requested include; UHT milk (preferably semi-skimmed), fruit juices and sugar-free squash, coffee and (even at this early stage) boxes/tins/cannisters of Christmas chocolates.

Tanya Sims

Church Warden

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