Cadmore End News March 2023

news Mar 06, 2023

Spring has sprung and new-born lambs have arrived in the field on the track from the church to Hangar Wood.

Church-A new church notice board has been purchased on eBay and installed.  Two pews have been removed from the back of the church and stored at Kensham.  Our thanks to John Heck and Peter Jennings for carrying out these strenuous tasks.

On the same day the sound system was permanently installed at the back of the church in an Edwardian cupboard and the refreshments trolley moved to the other side. Our thanks to our thanks to Tanya, her son Tom son and Vanda  for carrying out these tasks.

There is now more space and seating for the “Coffee and Chat Mornings”, after service refreshments and other social activities.

Church Sunday Services
5th March 11am Holy Communion Rev Philip Smith

12th March 11am Holy Communion Rev Philip Smith

19th March Mothering. Sunday 11am Holy Communion Rev Peter Viney

26th March 11am Holy Communion Rev Lucy Austin

Additionally on each Wednesday in Lent (March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd. 29th), as part of Lent observance there will be a short reflection on Mary’s love for Jesus as expressed in art followed by Complin. 7 to 7.30pm.

Community Matters-Lane End Food Bank and Support Team

Delivery Dates for January March are Fridays 3rd, 17th, and 31st . Please continue to leave donations in the Church or Church Porch on the Thursday before or up to 10am on the Friday.  Donations continue to be greatly appreciated and are much needed.

Future Events

Tuesday 7thMarch Coffee and Chat in Church 10.30am to noon.

A June or July date-a fundraising concert for the Church Roof to be held outside with a classic ensemble and a pig roast being considered...

Tanya Sims

Church Warden

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