Cadmore End News January 2023

news Jan 04, 2023

Our thanks to those who organised events in 2022 which included the Pop-UpPub in March, the Platinum Jubilee Picnic in June, the Brass Concert in September, Harvest Supper in October, the Halloween Quiz in November and the monthly “Coffee and Chat in the Church.  Thanks also to those who run the Village Hall, the Residents Association, the Cadmore-Support Group, the churchyard Merry Mowers, the Clarion deliverer and many others as “Good Neighbours”.

On Saturday 28th January, 7pm for 7.30pm start, there will be a vocal concert in the Church-“musicalacarte”.  Wine and soft drinks available before and in the interval.  Donations to the Church Roof Fund.  Tickets £10 in advance or £12 on the night.  Contact Tanya to book tickets or 01494 880460.  The church works well as a concert hall and this promises to be a lively evening.  Hope to see you there!

The house-to-house Christmas carol singers were much appreciated and maintained this long tradition in Cadmore End. They collected £540 for Christian Aid.

Sorry to advise that Peter Jackson from Fingest has died at the age of 97.  He was owner and careful Guardian of Hangar Wood which gives us great bluebell walks with vegetation and wildlife varying by season.  A service of thanksgiving will be held at Hambleden Church at 11.30am on 10th January.

Church Sunday Services

1st Jan 11am Holy Communion Rev Philip Smith

8th Jan 11am Holy Communion Rev Lucy Austin

15th Jan 11am Holy Communion Rev Peter Viney

22nd Jan 11am Holy Communion Rev Mark Ackford

29th Jan United Benefice Services at Stokenchurch:

9.30am Holy Communion Rev Philip Smith

11am Benefice Service Rev Mark Ackford

5pm Christingle Service Rev Philip Smith

Community Matters-Lane End Food Bank and Support Team

Delivery Dates for January are Fridays13th and 27th. Please continue to leave donations in the Church or Church Porch on the Thursday before or up to 10am on the Friday.  Donations continue to be greatly appreciated and are much needed.

Future Events

Saturday 28th January Music a La Carte” 7pm for 7.30 pm in Church as above.

Tuesday 7th February Coffee and Chat in Church 10.30am to noon.

Tanya Sims

Church Warden

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