Cadmore End News December 2022

news Dec 01, 2022

Remembrance Day Poppy Collection; Congratulations and thanks to Gerald for his now familiar Village House to House Poppy collection in aid of The British Legion. This year the collection from House to House contributions totalled £260

Annual Village Quiz. The ever-popular annual Quiz took place in the Village Hall on November 12th and was once again an outstanding success mainly (entirely?) due to the painstaking research of a hugely impressive variety of questions and subjects by Ian & Lorraine who came appropriately dressed for the occasion. (Witches& Wizards) Thank you to all who contributed to the evening whether setting up… clearing up… catering… or just partaking. The total profit for The Village Hall was just under £500. Well done everyone!

Remembrance Day Service. The Remembrance Day Service presided over by Rev Lucy Austin was well attended by 46 Cadmore Enders.. and beyond. It was gratifying to see one member of the congregation with an impressive set of medals and it being Remembrance Sunday not just ribbons…the full set! Thank you to Clifford for organising and to Gerald/Janet for the traditional annual Field of Remembrance crosses. The collection raised £230 plus.

Community Matters. For all those who regularly donate to “Community Matters” it will no doubt be heartening to read Barbara & Lucy’s (edited) email of appreciation…albeit tinged with sadness and local issues to ponder… “First to thank everyone at Cadmore End. The items you give us are always welcome and much needed items. (And always up to date items!!!) The families Lucy Smith and I saw are quite distraught with the prices of everyday items so the foodbank is extremely helpful and essential.  Most of these families are working salaried people but are still finding life a huge struggle. Also our grateful thanks to those at Cadmore End who have a standing order with our Community Matters account.This past foodbank we gave financial help to families where their metres were on "emergency". I also write to chat about Christmas goods for the foodbank…. there are 3 foodbanks in December (2nd and 3rd, 16th and 17th, 30th and 31st).  If Cadmore End would like to make a donation of 5 tins of chocolates such as Heroes, Quality Street or Celebrations, we would be grateful. We are receiving more tins from other churches and we fear being inundated with more tins than are needed. So 5 tins would be plenty. If you could also donate bottles of sugar free squash that would be excellent. The families like not only orange squash but especially the purple ones such as summer fruits, etc) Remember, the children are home from school for 2 weeks and they drink a lot of squash!!! We will be distributing these Christmas items on 16 and 17Dec. Our best regards from Community Matters and always our deep appreciation for the enthusiasm and generosity of Cadmore End.  Lucy and I often refer to the verse in 1 John 3:18, "let us not love with words or tongue but in actions and in truth" and we know you believe the same.

Church Services;

4th Dec; 11.00 Holy Communion. Rev Mark Ackford                                                                      

6.00pm Advent Carol Service. Rev Philip Smith.

11th           11.00 Holy Communion. Rev Lucy Austin

18th          11.00 Holy Communion Rev Peter Viney.

                4.00pm Village Carol Service Rev Lucy Austin

25th            11.00 Christmas Day, Holy Communion. Rev Peter Viney

Tanya Sims

Church Warden

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