In the Hall
Sunday 2nd March 11.00a.m.Holy CommunionRev. Mark Ackford
(Banns for Andrew Medhurst and Kerri Joyce)
In the Church
Sunday 9th March 11.00a.m.Holy Communion Rev. Lucy Austin
(Banns for Andrew Medhurst and Kerri Joyce)
Sunday 16th March 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Peter Viney
(Banns for Andrew Medhurst and Kerri Joyce)
Sunday 23th March 11.00 a.m.Holy Communion Rev. Lucy Austin
Mothering Sunday 30th March 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion Rev. Lucy Austin
During Lent each Wednesday at6:30 p.m. for7.15 p.m., as part of St Mary-Le-Moor Lent observance, there will be held in the Church a Reflection on Sacred Music and night prayer (Compline) for 5 weeks on 12th, 19th, 26th March and 2nd and 9th April.
Nave Roof Project – All works have now been successfully completed including: North and South roofs recovered; bellcote stone repairs completed; repair of the timbers to the porch completed; bargeboards reinstated; porch roof recovered; scaffolding removed; site tidied up, including the verge reinstated; the stained-glass windows and the interior of the Church cleaned and the organ reactivated. [If you have observations about the project please send to Tanya Sims, Church Warden]
Funding for Cadmore End -As the nave roof project came in under budget, there is no need to proceed with the Church’s application for grant money to Lane End Parish Council (‘LEPC’) following their sale of Chalky Field. However, an application will go forward in respect of improvements to the Hall toilets and kitchen.
Future Events A joint fundraiser (church & hall) in the form a Quiz Night is to be held on Friday 13th June 2025 in the Hall.
Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End
Our next delivery is on Thursday 20th March. We are now able to resume receiving donationseither in the Church or in the Church porch. Please leave your kind donations. by Wednesday 19thor at the latest by 10.00 a.m. on Thursday 20th March.