Cadmore End News August 2024

Cadmore End Jul 25, 2024

Church Services

Sun 4th August 11am Holy Communion-Rev Mark Ackford

Sun 11th August 11am Holy Communion-Rev Mark Ackford

Sun 18th August 11am Rev Peter Viney

Sun 25th August 11am Morning Prayer-Judy Taylor (LLM)

Sun 1st September 11am Holy Communion-Rev Philio Smith

Sun 8th September 11am Holy Communion, Patronal Festival-Rev Lucy Austin

Sun 6th October 11am Harvest Festival Service at 11am followed by “Lunch”.

The Village BBQ held at in the White House Garden on Sunday the 30th June was attended by about 30 people and it did not rain!  A most enjoyable social event with background music provided by Sophie and Chris (Rock Cottage).  Our thanks to family Blythe for Hosting and to those who brought a great selection of salads and delicious puddings.

Future Events

Tues 6th August Coffee & Chat, Bring & Buy in Church 10.30 to Noon

Friday 6th September Concert 8pm, doors open 7.30pm.  Gerard Cousins offers a classical concert with a difference: His unique repertoire, audience interaction and sense of improvisation has seen him widen the appeal of the nylon strung guitar.  His concerts which feature his imaginative guitar arrangements as well as his own compositions are often described as “mesmerising” . ( ).

Tickets (including wine, soft drinks and nibbles before and in the interval and raffle), are £15, available via Tanya Sims via or 07804946236.

Sat 14th September Sponsored for Bucks Historic Churches Trust. We have been awarded a grant of £9,000 from this charity for the Nave Roof.  Sponsor forms and details of participating local churches will be available nearer the time.  Cadmore End Church will be open from 10am to 2pm for refreshments (inc homemade cake which continues to attract cyclists from Marlow).  Do pop in to sponsor/encourage our “church greeters”.

Community Matters, Lane End Food Bank and Support Team-Our next monthly deliveryis on Thursday 15th August. Please leave donations in the church or church porch on the Wednesday before or by 10am on the Thursday.  Our continuing support is much needed and appreciated.

Bryan Edgley RIP-Sadly, Bryan passed away on the 19th July.  Our sympathy and prayers go to Charlie, Polly, Paul and their families.  He was a great support to the Cadmore End and Lane End communities and respected by us all. May he Rest in Peace.  A Funeral Service will be held at Holy Trinity Church, Lane End on Monday 12th August at 11.30pm.

Tanya Sims

Church Warden

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