Cadmore End News April 2024

news Mar 30, 2024

Church Services

Sun31st March, 11am Easter Day Service Holy Communion- Rev Philip Smith

Sun 7th April, 11am Holy Communion-Rev Lucy Austin

Sun 14th April 11am Holy Communion-Rev Lucy Austin

Sun 21st April 11am Holy Communion-Re. MA

6pm Choral Evensong- Rev Peter Viney

Sun 28th April 11am Holy Communion-Rev Philip Smith

Thurs 11th April 8pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting in the Church

Planning Application for the Cricket Field is still awaited.

Future Events

Tues 2nd April Coffee, Chat & Bring and buy in Church 10.30 to noon.

Sun 28th April, Bluebell Walk followed by Tea and Cake in Cadmore End Village Hall.  Meet at the Hall 2pm to walk.  Tea from 3pm. £5 per head. Non walkers welcome. Please book in advance or for more information please contact RoseMarie 01494 882017 or Janet 881242 before 21st April.

Concerts in Church- 8pm start (doors open at 7.30pm) Wine & soft drinks before and in the interval - donations to the Nave Roof Fund. Raffle. Tickets £15 including a drink and nibbles. The dates and the musicians are:

The Sepia Tone Folk Collective  - Fri 14th June.

Classical Guitarist (Gerard Cousins)  - Friday 6th September

Marlow Ukulele Group -  Friday 6th December

Cadmore End Village Hall

An application to Lane End Parish Council (LEPC) for a donation from their “Community Budget” for £7,000 was made to cover the cost of the new boiler purchased in January.  At their meeting on 4th March LEPC approved this and the £7,000 has been received. This together with generous donations from residents and the Pop-Up Pub event in January has restored Hall funds to continue maintenance and improvements.

Note from Alison-After 25+years of service in different roles, Clifford is standing down as Chairman.  We offer him our grateful thanks for all he has done for the hall and the village.  The remaining team is stretched pretty thin and we are actively seeking new committee members to join the team.  Meeting once a quarter, our purpose is to maintain the hall in good order and improve the facilities on offer.  If you have a little free time and would like to get involved do speak any committee member-Clifford, RoseMarie, Peter, Janet, Alison or Andy.  Alternatively, you can email us at

Community Matters, Lane End Foodbank and Support team

The team sent thanks “for all the fantastic donations from Cadmore End Received in March which was collected or delivered to 24 families”.  Dates for our next two monthly deliveries are Friday 19th April and Friday 24th May.  Please leave your contributions in the church or church porch on the Thursday before or up to 10am on the Friday.

Tanya Sims

Church Warden

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